
A Parent's guide to IGCSE and GCSE exams

“Every child was born to succeed. But to become successful, one must plan to succeed, prepare to succeed, and expect to succeed.”- Hilary Hinton Ziglar


There is a desire on your part to help your child succeed academically, but an evening academic chat with your child isn't enough. Moreover, you are worried that in all the pressure of ‘academic’ qualifications, the school might not cover all the other things that help prepare your child for life AFTER school. You may have tried nagging them to revise. You may have tried assisting them with their coursework (using what you remember from 20+ years back). You may have been persuading and intimidating them to get the work done. Did it help?


Wouldn't it be nice if you knew exactly what your child needed to do and when? What if there was a better way?


It might be challenging as a parent to know how to assist your child in getting ready for their IGCSE/GCSE exams in the best way. There are many approaches by which you can help them during this challenging time and reduce some of the stress they are experiencing. Here are a few tips on revision techniques, exam techniques, and other preparation tips outlined in detail to ensure the success of your child.

Starting with simple assistance like ensuring they have breakfast the morning before an exam can make a big difference. A simple action like having a nutritious breakfast can help improve their focus and provide the energy needed to face the day ahead. Similarly, effective exam strategies that can help your child prepare for and take their IGCSE/GCSE exams are covered in this article.


  • Revision strategies: Work with your child to develop a revision timetable that fits both of your schedules. Remember to incorporate brief pauses into your revision schedule; research shows that studying in shorter bursts is more productive since it allows your brain to switch off, refocus, and process material. We would advise taking a 5 to 10-minute break at least once every 45 to 60 minutes. The IGCSE revision schedule should intermittently include days off to ensure your child is not working too hard and is still engaging in activities they enjoy, which can lower stress.


  • Being up to date: Various schools employ different exam boards, have various study schedules, and assist their pupils with revision in various ways. So, you must stay up to date with any school updates. You may do this by following their social media accounts, regularly checking their email, or requesting information directly from the school. Before exams, schools frequently organize additional after-school review sessions. It is crucial to be aware of these dates and times and to ensure that your child attends.


  • Skilled study habits: There are several easy steps you can do to help your child develop better learning habits, such as making sure they do their schoolwork on time. Even though it usually feels like a hardship, homework was created to supplement students' in-class experiences. If your child has problems with their homework, you must talk to their teacher and let them know the situation. By doing this, parents can find out if their child is experiencing any challenges with their IGCSE studies and help them resolve them. Creating a "study space" in your home is another way to promote improved study habits. Your children should be able to concentrate on their revision without disturbances in a peaceful, distraction-free part of the house. Ensure your child has the supplies they require in their "study room," like stationery, notebooks, and flashcards, which can help them stay organized.


  • Keep track of their progress: Formal mock assessments are vital for you, your child and their teachers. They provide an objective measure of the child's understanding and can identify any gaps in their knowledge. The results help determine how ideally to support the child in their learning and how to tailor the teaching to the individual's needs. Reach out to their teachers to find out how you can help them improve, and always attend parent evenings to have open discussions about your child’s progress. Our advice is not to put your child down if they get a lower grade than expected. Reassure them with constructive criticism which can help your child to identify areas in which they can improve.


  • A Guide to Exam Days: Assisting your child as they prepare for examinations is extremely helpful and can aid their academic success. Furthermore, you can help your child when they have assessments by:
    • Ensure that they have a restful sleep at night.
    • Encourage them to eat a full breakfast before leaving. Food provides cognitive energy.
    • Avoiding arguments will help create a pleasant home environment because arguments can lead to additional stress.
    • Make sure they arrive at the exam center well before the scheduled time.
    • Make use of Flashcards for a game of rapid-fire questions when they are ready for it.


  • Be There When They Need You: Unsurprisingly, many students experience stress and anxiety in Grades 10 and 11. In fact, it is reported that 5-10% of men and 15-20 % of women are very distressed about their exams.  Just being with your child during this time is the best way to support them. Discuss openly how they feel and do not put unnecessary pressure on them. Encouragement and praise go a long way with any hard work, so be there to praise their efforts and lift them up if they are feeling frustrated or stressed.


  • Tutoring and Support: We recommend looking for additional academic support for your child if you are concerned that they are not performing well, and their school agrees with it. There are two solutions, one is using online tutoring services or obtaining assistance from a private tutor in Dubai.


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